Official State of New California Online Merch Store

This is the Official Online store for the State of New California Movement Merchandise. As an American Citizen that supports and Defends the Constitution of the United States I wanted to use my platform to not only to exercise my Sovereign Constitutional right of the First Amendment but to also use this plat form to help raise awareness and to help raise funds from the sale of Merchandise to donate a portion of the profits to help with cost of sending the Delegates of The State of New California and the Restored Government of California to Washington D.C. as a part of State hood Process Following Article IV Section 3 and Section 4 as West Virginia did in 1860s during the Civil War.

About The State of New California

As people living under the bonds of tyranny, we demand a restoration of our Constitutional right to a form of government that functions as a Republic We strive for a return to integrity in elections, a business-friendly environment, and the return of our individual liberties.

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